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Saturday, January 21, 2012


I do not rest very well.  It is difficult for me to take time off from things I love, especially Crossfit and sexually harassing my gym buddies (no one is safe). 

When I was off school for Christmas break, I was crossfitting 6 days a week.  Weeks of doing this during prime cold and flu season was a recipe for disaster.  On Monday afternoon, my hectic pace caught up with me.  I had a stomach bug that lasted for a full 48 hours and then caught a cold during the bug.

Okay body.  Message received.  Slow down. 

After a couple of days in bed with some down time for contemplation, I thought about how hard I have been pushing myself.  Sometimes I get so obsessed with progress that I forget sometimes less is more.  Rest is vitally important to recovery and muscle repair.  When I am trying to hit goals, that knowledge goes right out the window.  I look at the WOD in the morning and think, "Shit!  I can't take a rest day, I really need to work on _________!"  

In the midst of feeling this urgency, I have to remind myself that I am not helping my cause by missing rest days.  When I am overworking myself I am not only half assing my workouts due to fatigue, but making myself more prone to injury and illness.  I am preventing progress.  Not cool. 

So I am going to knock off being a crazed lunatic and do 2-3 days on, 1 day off.  Let's see how this works. 

Wish me luck!!!

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