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Monday, January 2, 2012

One month down, a lifetime to go

Well, I'm still chugging along on the vegan train.  Eating mostly raw, feeling fabulous, and have made it through month 1 of my 12 month vegan challenge without any hassles.  I made it through Christmas, New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day without meat, dairy, wheat/gluten, refined sugars (I do eat agave), or animal products. 

Today I started a 30 day 100% raw challenge with a new friend who is looking to make some lifestyle changes.  I am going to be her support buddy and I know I will also make gains in this process.  I've been eating high raw but a few fun, yummy vegan foods have been creeping into my diet.  My sacrifices in this 30 day challenge are going include putting down peanut butter in exchange for raw almond butter and not eating 600 bags of tortilla chips a day.  Shouldn't be too rough, but God only knows what is going to happen when PMS shit comes up.  I'm also going to make an effort to drink more green juice and have more green smoothies. 

There are very few raw, vegan Crossfitters out there, so I only have myself to measure against.  I have been feeling really well for the past month and have been making some performance gains.  I am really proud of the work I have been doing.  I have been taking more active rest and sometimes in blocks of two days.  I am balancing my workouts with more running and yoga.  It's a little sad because I miss my homies at the box, but I feel completely recovered and ready to rock and roll again when I take more time away.  The alone time on the trail and the spiritual element of yoga have done me some good, especially during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. 

Here's what I'm eating today:

Breakfast- Green smoothie (1 grapefruit, 2 clementines, 1 lime, 1 piece of ginger, 2 c. dandelion greens, water, a little squirt of vanilla stevia)

Snack- banana, 1 cup of mixed brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, almonds, and flax seeds

Lunch- protein smoothie- 1 young coconut, 2 scoops sun warrior, 2 tsp raw cacao, 1 tsp maca, 2 tbsp cacao nibs

Dinner- 2 apples, 2 tbsp raw almond butter

I eat the bulk of my food before noon.  That's just what I do.  I'm not sure why, but I think after my morning work outs, I just want to eat the hell out of everything.  I spend most of the afternoon drinking water mixed with greens powder. 

Work out- a.m. Crossfit WOD; rebounding 15 min 2-3x per day (usually when I'm watching t.v.)  I don't sit still well. 

Have a great day loves!


  1. Way to go, girl! 30 days is freakin' awesome! Look at the impact you are having on the environment, the food industry, animals, etc. People may laugh at that, saying you're just one person, but all of us individually can make a difference when we do this together.

    I'm glad you posted this because it lets me know it's possible. Just yesterday I've been wondering, can I really do the 30 day vegan challenge? Am I going to get enough protein? Will I carb-load and gain weight? So many questions, some much self-doubt! I'm nipping that in the bud--pronto!

    I'm gearing up: My vegan challenge starts January 8 and we've been in full planning mode. Need to vent though: It's amazing that as I embark on a new lifestyle (even though its a 30 day try-out) the amount of mockery I've been met with! People think vegans are weird... why is it weird to try to eat as healthy as possible? Why is caring about where my food comes from odd?

    Please keep posting the recipes! I've been stocking my fridge with as many fruits and veggies as possible. I think the hubs is going to get me a juicer too! :) p.s. It's because of you my new favorite snack is an organic apple with raw almond butter and cinnamon!

  2. Awww! Thanks, Chrissy! I am really excited about the changes I am making in myself, my household, and the earth. I am such an ingrained vegetarian that eating meat just never sits right with me. It is such an emotional relief to be eating in a way that aligns with my ethics.

    Vent away! I have noticed negativity from others in my own journey as well. Food is a serious source of contention for people. For every negative comment I get, I get a really, amazing, positive, supportive comment like the one that you left above. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people (whether they are on the same journey or not. That makes a huge difference. It sounds like your hubs is super supportive and that is such a great resource for you!!!

    I tell myself and my children my favorite life mantra: "You do you." I can't worry about what others say or think. I have to do what I want and what I feel is right. A lot of times, I told people, "Don't worry about me, You do you," in moments of frustration. It gets old having to explain yourself OVER AND OVER AND OVER again, BUT, I find that this lifestyle makes people curious. Look at every negative comment as a way to lead by example and educate. When people ask you if you get enough protein, just show 'em those svelte, sexy, muscular arms ;0)

  3. So Jane, how do you feel with being raw vegan? What have you learned? Is there anything that you're struggling with? Do you think that you'll continue being raw after the 30 days? Fill us in!!!

  4. My ultimate goal is to be very, very high raw- I'm hoping 90%. This is a huge transition for me and I am currently viewing it as a process. I started learning about raw veganism in 2008. I am getting WAY closer to my goals, but there is a huge learning curve with this lifestyle. I found that cutting out wheat, sugar, dairy, and soy were great first steps. Gradually I cut meat- which I still struggle with. I'm hoping to be vegan, then go grain free, then hit that 90% raw mark. Currently, I eat around 70% raw and have been completely vegan for almost 2 months after my most recent meat backlash. My goals for this year are to stay completely vegan. I would also like to go grain free in the process, but staying a vegan is priority 1. Thanks for your questions! Keep em coming!
