I'm home today. Home with a child who has a stomach bug. This is just the kind of thing that I needed to get myself in gear in starting this "intended" blog I have been meaning to start, started then stopped, and has been on my mind for a couple of years.
So hear it is. A morning with jack shit to do except keeping on top of the constant influx of laundry and making sure I have a constant eye on my daughter so I can hold her hair back as needed. I am on break from school, all of my internship applications are turned in, I have explored all of my favorite health blogs for the day, and am tackling that eventual "to-do" list. You know the one. The one that has 1. start a blog 2.research cruises on expedia 3. Figure out a way to come up with 12k so your family could take a European Disney Cruise when you are in grad school and working off of a construction worker's income. Oh yeah, and 4. Apply to local strip club because that is about the only way that the cruise is going to happen.
Blog goals:
To explore optimal health through eating habits, lifestyle, and emotional health
Try not to cuss like a sailor
Entertain you with my banter, wit, and charm.
God help us all, but here it goes.
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