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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

More about Dietary Changes and Migraines

So my friend Derek mentioned to me that he was starting/investigating the Paleo Diet.  Derek is an amazing athlete and is always looking to fine tune his health to up his athletic performance.  I looked at the website again to refresh my Paleo knowledge and it basically gives you the same dietary guidelines I gave you yesterday.  Apparently, the more simplistic your diet and the closer your food approaches the way nature intended food to be, the healthier you will feel. Seems like a pretty easy concept and I can personally attest that this works.  Even so called "health foods" are not healthy:  power bars, vitamin water, diet ANYTHING, low fat ANYTHING, etc.  If it comes in a box:  Do NOT eat it ;0)  I would highly recommend checking out the website and resources on the Paleo diet for anyone who is suffering from any health condition.  If you are a vegetarian or vegan, it is very easy to be meat free in this lifestyle.  Dairy isn't an issue, so you would only be giving up beans, grains, and sugar (only, she says). 

Here are some testimonials from headache sufferers that did the Paleo Diet:


A great resource for the vegetarians/ vegans or anyone headed in the raw direction is my newest and most favorite book:  The Idiot's Guide to Eating Raw.  This explains the "Why on earth would you do that" and the "How the hell do you make that work for your daily life" questions.  Per a request, here is what my eating has looked like so far today:

A.M. 24 oz of Vegetable juice (I have a juicer.  It rules.  Invest in one.  Easy for me to say since somebody gave me theirs for free)  It was composed of 1 lemon, 1 lime, 2 celery stalks, 2 carrots, a beet and greens, 3 kale leaves, a piece of fresh ginger.  You can add stevia to this, but I am tough, so I just chug that shit like its my bitch.

Noon (yes, I am cool until noon)  Three of my famous coconut chocolate truffles.  These are what I always bring to parties.  No one ever knows they are raw and if you love dark chocolate, they are so delicious and easy to make!!!  And a smoothie with 2 scoops of Sun Warrior Protein Powder, 2 cups spinach, 1 tspn Maca powder (increases endurance and sex drive whoo hoo!), 1 tspn of Camu powder (full of vitamin C, great this time of year for fighting off colds and flus), 1 tbspn Raw Cacoa, 1 tbspn Cacoa nibs, and 1 stevia packet.  

I will probably drink my current favorite smoothie for dinner- 1 lemon, 1 lime, 2 frozen bananas,  fresh pineapple or orange juice blended into a delicious, yumtastic treat. 

A snack staple for me are Lara Bars.  My kids love the hell out of them and so do I.  Be careful, though, a lot of the chocolate flavors have added sugar in the chocolate chips. 

Most of the food items you haven't heard of are what are known as Superfoods.  You can get them at any Whole Foods store and Wegmans is even starting to carry them.  They are great add ins for extra vitamin boosts.  Maca is my favorite because I have hypothyroidism and it helps to keep me balanced and ready for "action" shall we say ;0)

I know for most people, some of the things I have mentioned are completely new and quite odd. To be honest, until a few years ago, I had no idea what any of this shit was.  Don't forget, the best motto is KISS- Keep it simple, stupid.  Someone who is just starting out might want their meals to look like this:  Breakfast- peel a banana, or make a delicious fruit salad Lunch- spinach salad with olive oil, kalamata olives, and chicken, Dinner- steak or fish and roasted veggies.  Snack- Lara bar

Again, please shoot me any questions.  I know this seems daunting, but you will always have support from me and no question is too weird, gross, or stupid.  I have probably asked it myself. 

Hope your day is full of love, health, and that you feel AMAZING!!!


  1. Famous last words, "I am tough, so I just chug that shit like it's my bitch."

    You go Jane. I love you!!! And I love what you have done with this space, congrats woman! I am so happy to see you writing about all this good stuff.


  2. hahahaha! Love you too, Lisa!!! You are such an inspiration to me with your blogging ;0)
