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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter my loves!!! 
Today is a day of beautiful celebration!  A celebration of new life, new beginnings, family, and friends.  And of course, chocolate!!!! 

Our Easter baskets brimmed with delicious confections from Oasis Living Cuisine in Frasier, PA.  After I made the girls and I our Easter Chocolate Cherry Coconut Sun Warrior Smoothie this morning (lots of fat and protein to counteract the sugar), we all sat down for our post breakfast dessert of Raw Chocolate.  It was glorious!  Absolutely glorious!  And now as I bask in the glow of a beautiful morning and have the wonderful buzz of raw chocolate coursing through my veins, I can't wait to start my day.  

(So, hypothetically, if someone started their period on Easter Sunday, do they get double the chocolate????  Just sayin'!!!!)

Happy Easter to everyone today!!!  Cheers to you today and your families and to all of the love that is shared between us!!!

1 comment:

  1. You always give me new ideas of things to try ~ I spent the morning looking in to raw chocolate, and even though I have never cared for dark chocolate before, that might have just been me not giving such things a chance, being so dependent upon milk chocolate in all of its sweet yumminess.
