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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Celebrating Sacrifice

To all of my devoted friends/ blog readers-

1. I am so sorry I have been slacking off on my blogging.  As most of you know, Nate is about to go on tour with one of his bands- Black Cowgirl.   I am super excited for him, but have spent the last couple of weeks husbandless and lost in a sea of my own neurosis (schoolwork/kids/everyday dramas- nothing serious, just life). 

2. Thank you for your continued interest in my blog and what I have to say.  It warms my heart and still shocks me how many of you check this thing ;0)

Today I am going to talk about Lent.  I am no longer a practicing Catholic, but Lent is still something that is very important to me to celebrate.  If you look at Lent as a celebration, I find the whole sacrifice thing gets thrown out the window.  As I have been thoughtfully approaching what I am going to do for my Lenten practice, I have been coming up empty.   What the hell else food wise is there to sacrifice?  Almonds?  I  mean, come ON!  I cannot possibly get rid of facebook.  That shit is not going to happen.    I have no time to volunteer at a homeless shelter, and honestly, with Molly and Lilah in tow, I think we would do more harm than good.

I was hoping that while I was writing this blog today It would help me to come up with something creative and original, but  I am blankity blank blank blank.  After doing the lent thing for 31 consecutive years, I'm kind of running dry on new things to do.  Hopefully by tomorrow, I will have it all figured out.

1 comment:

  1. I gave up Facebook for Lent last year, and it kickstarted a Twitter habit...be careful! LOL
