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Thursday, October 6, 2011


Are you guys really that bored at work that you want me to write more blogs???  Alright, here we go.

I am a highly competitive person. What I lack in intelligence and talent, I have learned to make up for with hard work.  So when someone says:  I ate 30 bananas a day and can run 40 miles without breaking a sweat, I'm thinking to myself, "Let's Do THIS BITCH!!!!  I'M IN!  If you can do it.  I can do it too." 

Sometimes I wonder my competitive nature is a friend or foe.  It COULD be said that I lack balance (NAH). But the good thing about someone who is competitive with a good work ethic is that I am willing to work to find balance.  I am willing to work to find what works for me.  I am willing to try anything to get there (even a 3,000 calorie fruit diet). 

When I last wrote, I talked about the 80-10-10 diet.  NOT FOR ME.  I lasted a few days and was a hot mess.  I can see how people really thrive eating this way, but I am not one of them. This was NOT balanced for me.  Too much fruit, not enough veggies,not enough protein and not enough fat for me. 

Next move was I started incorporating meat and a little dairy back into my diet.  Of course there was no balance there.  My ass was at Station Taproom eating wings within days.  I started eating too much meat and was not feeling in optimal balance. 

So here I am, 6 pounds heavier (6.5 but I round down NO MATTER WHAT) and exhausted of thinking about food.  I like eating raw and vegan, but I love to cook and make food for my family and eat dinner together.  They are so NOT raw vegans nor do I expect them to be. 

Mental Note 1:  Eating tons of fruits and veggies is good, but not eating anything else is NOT fun. 

Mental Note 2:  It is NOT fun to make a beautiful dinner, not eat it, and then drink your 3rd brown rice protein powder smoothie of the day with your crew.  BOO.  Not balanced.

Mental Note 3:  It is NOT fun to eat entirely too much meat, feel like your skin is gray and that you took out a farm on your own this week.

Okay.  So where do we go from here.  You know neurotic, competitive Jane has a plan.  I am NOT cutting out meat, fruits, or vegetables.  I am going to BALANCE (say it with me...BALANCE) my diet. 

My plan thus far is to eat 2 raw meals and cook dinner with meat, veggies, etc. for my family and eat it with them.  Sounds pretty simple and healthy AND balanced.  It is the advice I give to people who are starting out high raw.  Now let's see if I can do it ;0)

Will try to keep you posted but I'm having trouble BALANCING this blog with MIDTERMS. 

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