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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jane on a Diet Post 3- What the f to eat on Paleo???

Hi loves!  I hope everyone is having a fabulous week!  My diet is going fabulously and I will tell you all about what I am eating so that you guys have an idea of how to make a Paleo diet manageable.

I have been eating 3 or 4 organic eggs, onion and peppers.  Instead of butter, I use coconut oil to cook my foods. 

Lunches are usually organic deli meat, left over chicken breasts, or whatever meat we had the night before over greens dressed with olive oil

Dinners have been fish, chicken, steaks or some other type of meat with either grilled veggies or salads dressed with olive oil. Tonight we have hair cuts and don't have time to sit down to a meal, so I just had some celery sticks with about 4 tablespoons of almond butter spiced with cinnamon.  So yummy!

Snacks and dinners on nights I have class have been 1/2 cup of almonds and walnuts.

I have a condition called candida, a yeast overgrowth in the body, which I am trying to get back under control.  After trying to do the raw vegan thing for so long, my candida was majorly agitated, I was gaining weight, and starting to have a lot of anxiety attacks and other symptoms of the illness.  That being said, I have to watch my fruit intake.  Dried fruit is usually a no no and honey is off the table for now.  Hopefully once I get my symptoms regulated, I can add grapefruits and green apples a few times a week to get more variety.

For those of you who don't have candida and are trying out Paleo for weight loss, it's best to also keep fruit to a minimum.  Two pieces a day and preferably low glycemic fruits like green apples, grapefruits, and berries will work.  If you are looking to maintain or gain weight, go to town with the fruit.  Dried fruits, like medjool dates, are a delicious addition to your nuts and seeds.  Try chopping them up, adding some cinnamon, and a pinch of himalayan sea salt. 

FYI- you will probably have detox symptoms- nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, hunger, carb cravings, etc.  PUSH THROUGH!  It is well worth it.  I thought I was going to puke the other day during my Crossfit workout, but today was much, much better.  Each day I have fewer sugar cravings and am feeling more and more like myself again.  It has been a struggle to eat meat again, but when now that I am getting my "JaneNess" back, I am reminding myself that my health and feeling good is priority one. 

If you are starting to lose weight too quickly, add fats.  I started out not eating nuts, but noticed that the weight was flying off at almost too rapid a pace so I added nuts back in.  So far I have lost about 5 pounds.  Since I added nuts back in, my weight loss has been slower.  Now if it gets too slow, those bitches will be back on the shelf ASAP ;0)

Hope you guys are having success!

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