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Tuesday, November 19, 2013


This whole concept of boundaries is really popping up in my life and the lives of my friends right now.  There is so much of a focus on boundaries with others.   What about the boundaries we need to set with ourselves? 

Boundaries aren't always about what others bring to us.  They are often about how we allow the world to interact with us.  What is acceptable, what is not- but really, this is rooted deeply within ourselves. 

How do we allow ourselves to be treated?  How do we speak to ourselves?  What actions do we take that are self-destructive?  How are we inhibiting our own growth?  How do we stomp on our own joy? These are things we need to think about and constantly contemplate and allow to internally evolve.

Case in point.  I am a middle child and a pleaser.  I often give and give and give in my relationships and find myself not getting the same output from others.  It can often frustrate me and I play the blame game.  So initially, what seems like an external boundary issue, is really about me not setting boundaries within myself.   I allow myself to feel pressured into feeling like I need to give more, when in reality, I need to have a little heart to heart with myself and say, "No, you have given enough at this moment.  It is time to receive." 

It's a form of personal responsibility and self-care.  Set healthy boundaries, practice kind self-talk, and see what grows you sexy mutha fuckas!

A big thanks to Ali and Greta Hotmer from Twin Tree Healing for honoring me as their Light Worker of the Week.  It meant so much to me and the fact that all of you read my shit storm writing means a lot to me, too.  Thank you!!!!


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