Welcome to Optimal Health Mama

Thanks for cruising by and becoming part of my personal revolution of self-love, health, and hilarity!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Challenge

So I am wondering about your reactions to the challenge.

A lot of you checked in with me on not weighing yourselves.  One of my fabulous friends turned her head at the doctor's office and told the nurse she was not allowed to tell her the number.  That is serious commitment to loving yourself!!!!!  I wonder what it was like over the past two weeks to not know the number on the scale.  Were you anxious?  Were you liberated?  Were you scared?  

One conversation I had with a woman had to do with feeling so anxious about her weight that she checked the scale multiple times throughout the day.  She isn't alone.  Many women, including myself, have engaged in this type of behavior.  So do not feel like a failure if you stepped on the scale.  You won if you reduced those numbers in any way, shape, or form.  

My next challenge has to do with fat talk.  For those of you who aren't familiar with the concept, fat talk is basically when we talk shit on our own bodies to other women.  It looks like this:

"Ew.  My fucking thighs!"  
"No, stop.  Mine are the worst!"
"Stop, at least you don't have a gut!"
and it goes on.

Not only does this turn us into objects, but we bond over it!  How fucked up is that????  We bond over berating ourselves.  I hope that shocks you in the same way it shocks me.  

So, the next part of the challenge:  NO FUCKING FAT TALK.  And if you hear someone engaging in it, find a kind way to address it and make it stop.  

If you are feeling insecure about your body, that's okay.  We all have those days.  But watch how you verbalize your feelings.  There is a big difference between, 

"I hate my body, I am a gross fucking slob."  and "Man, I'm not feeling like myself today.  Can someone tell me how hot I am really quickly."  

There is no shame in asking for a build up from a friend.  Talk to yourself like you would talk to a friend.  Would you ever call your friend a "fat fucking slob?"  My guess is no or you are a complete asshole and we need to issue another type of challenge.  

So get out there, stop objectifying yourself, and stop comparing yourself to other people's bodies.  Remember, you are amazingly, fabulously unique and I love the fuck out of each and every one of you.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The media doesn't give a fuck about you

Today as I was writing my dissertation.  I was writing about the objectification of the female athlete.  this particular statement really smacked me in the face and pissed me off: 

"Research shows that society’s perception of what is the ideal beauty is defined and perpetuated by the media."

Wow.  We let the media define what we believe to be the ideal physique for women.  In addition to this, we internalize this ideal.  When we internalize someone else's view of what we should look like, we start to believe that it is what we want and what we desire.  Their goals become our goals.  That is the most unauthentic shit I have ever heard. 

With the creation of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue in 1997, came the bullshit phenomenon that not only do women need to be thin, but we need to be muscular and fit as well.  And oh yeah, your performance?  No one gives a fuck about that unless you are pretty, feminine, and have big ass tits. Thanks a lot "health" magazines for women who also encourage women to be an amazing cook, smart, funny, great in the sack, a size 2, and muscular to boot.  Thanks creating an unattainable view of what women need to be to please society.  Cool bro. 

I am so fucking tired of this.  Seriously.  The more I read and research, the more angry I get.  And as much as I have focused my energy on researching women, I am starting to see the way men are becoming increasingly objectified as well. 

On what level are we objects?  On what level do our bodies become more important than the spirits inside them?  At what point do we say "fuck this shit" and move toward a culture that values the human spirit and it's accomplishments, not numbers and measurements? 

As part of the challenge, I want you to take a page out of a fashion magazine, a women's "health" magazine, or a sports magazine and rip it to fucking shreds. 

Fuck the media.  I hate you today  you asshole pieces of shit. 
Thanks for indulging my rant. 


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Challenge Day 1: Liberated as Fuck

Hello my liberated friends!
I am so glad you are joining me in the two week ditch the scale/love your body challenge.

As strange as it sounds to simply accept and love ourselves and our bodies, it is really hard!!!  We have been conditioned from a very early age not to do so.  Everything from Barbie dolls to fashion magazines sends us message after message telling us we are not "enough."  Boys see images of He-man and other Super Heroes which set up biased expectations of what is "manly" and "strong."  This is ridiculous.  We are so much more than these limited views of masculinity and femininity.

Well guess what?  Today is your first day of giving a big fat "fuck you" to all of that bullshit.  Societal expectations have been running your life long enough.  It is time to let your inner rebel shine and be brazenly unapologetic about loving yourself.

Assignment:  Pick out one feature of yourself, it can be a physical trait, a personality trait, or whatever that you find to be absolutely irresistible about yourself.  I chose my playfulness.  I love how playful, fun, and flirtatious I am.  And I am loving my new red hair ;0)

You are super fucking amazing sparkly and divine!!!!!


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Two Week Challenge

I am issuing a challenge.  Not a fat loss challenge, or a cleanse, or a paleo/vegan/weight loss challenge.  This is a two week, ditch the scale challenge. This is a two week "love your body" challenge.  

 I want everyone to knock off all of the fat talk, self-shaming, hyper-critical, non-productive body hate. Myself included.  Numbers are bullshit and are no measure of who you are.  The number on the scale or in the inside of your jeans does not measure kindness, intelligence, perseverance, wit, charm, humility, heart...the things that matter.    

Here is the challenge:

For a period of two weeks, starting June 5, 2014

*you will not step on a scale
*you will not engage in any type of negative self-talk
*you will not tolerate negative self-talk from others
*you will speak kindly about your body
*you will not shame yourself or make yourself feel guilty about eating any kind of food
*you will practice self-love and kindness toward yourself and others around you

If you have negative thoughts about your body, you will immediately call yourself out on these thoughts and replace them with the mantra of your choosing.  Some examples of this could be:

I love my body
My body is powerful
My body is strong
My body is creation

Let's take two weeks and focus on what really matters- not our body composition, but the composition of who we are.  

Who's with me???
