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Monday, March 25, 2013

Springtime Smoothie on a Snowy Day

I woke up this morning, looked out my window, and called bullshit.  I am so over this weather.  If you ask me, it's time for flip flops, sun dresses, and shirtless wods ;0)  Instead of wallowing in self-pity over the snow, I decided to hit up a smoothie that made it feel like springtime- at least in my kitchen.

1c. water and a few ice cubes
1 banana
1 c. cantaloupe
1 c. spinach
1 scoop egg white protein powder

I even threw a few cacao nibs on the top because to me, chocolate goes with everything.

On a side note, I cannot WAIT to get into the gym today and lift some weights!!!! It is Crossfit Open season right now and my normal lifting routine is off.  I didn't realize until the past few weeks just how much I have started to love lifting.  There is something so fun and empowering about throwing that bar around! 

Enjoy this beautiful day, my loves!  Lift something heavy today and drink something light (preferably not a Coors light)!


  1. First WHY are you awake at 3:58am???
    It amazes me that you can keep up with this blog, with all the other things you have going on!

  2. I think the time is off- it was more like 6:30, 7ish. Up early to register for summer classes ;0) I do not do as much with the blog as I would like, but hopefully it is good practice for future writing endeavors! Thanks for reading and being awesome. xoxo J
